Home How to Prevent Ear Infections: Top Tips from a Hearing Specialist
How to Prevent Ear Infections: Top Tips from a Hearing Specialist
- June 3, 2024
Ear infections, also known as otitis, can be frustrating and painful, and if they are recurring, they can become even more so. Whether you or your child are experiencing this problem, it’s important to know how to prevent it from happening again. Here are some tips from our specialists to help you recognize infections and prevent them in the future.
Symptoms: Your Infection Warning Signs
Infections can occur in the outer ear but usually target the middle ear. Common symptoms include pain, pressure or fullness, fluid discharge, hearing loss, and fever. Infants and young children may also show irritation or odd crying.
These symptoms are not usually cause for alarm, although they should be dealt with. However, seek immediate medical attention if you’re experiencing more severe symptoms. This includes intense pain, lasting hearing loss, pus, a high fever, or extreme dizziness. Early detection and treatment can help you feel better and encourage a faster recovery.
What Causes Ear Infections?
Ear infections caused by viral or bacterial infections often follow illnesses like colds or the flu. They can also be worsened by seasonal allergies – anything that affects the ears, nose, throat, or sinuses.
Congestion impacts your auditory tubes, which balance ear pressure. Fluid buildup from previous infections can reinfect the ear. If your eustachian tubes don’t work properly, you’re also at higher risk. Young children are more vulnerable due to their developing immune systems and eustachian tube anatomy.
Risk factors include colder weather (or abrupt changes in temperature), exposure to smoke, pacifier use, and birth defects affecting eustachian tube function. If your parents often get ear infections, you might be more likely to get them, too.
How to Avoid an Ear Infection
Maintaining good hygiene is essential to lowering the chances of getting infections caused by bacteria or viruses, so always keep your ears clean (but never put anything smaller than your pinky finger into your ear, not even cotton swabs).
As with any illness, washing your hands helps lower the spread of germs. Stay away from things that your kids might put in their mouths. If your baby uses a pacifier, always ensure it is properly cleaned between uses.
Quitting smoking can reduce harm to your ear tissue. It decreases swelling and prevents sinus and congestion problems that can lead to blockages. Don’t forget to dry your ears properly after bathing or swimming – use your towel to blot them dry. Consider using earplugs to keep water out of your ears and prevent infections caused by water in the canal.
Keep Your Ears Happy & Healthy With NYC Hearing Associates
When you are having trouble with your ears, call your friendly local audiologist in NYC! Our comprehensive hearing specialist services, including expert advice on how to prevent ear infections, have you covered. Our team of knowledgeable audiologists can assist you and your family with any hearing issues, big or small. If you think your infection might need medical attention, don’t wait – book a consultation now!