NYC Hearing Blog

When choosing an audiologist in NYC, nobody would be surprised to hear that you’re looking for the best. The city is a world leader in many fields, so, unsurprisingly, there’s a top-notch medical community, too.
Hearing loss affects every part of life, but its effects may be most visible at work. It impacts everything from productivity to office relationships. By law, employers must create an equal-opportunity environment.
Did you know that hearing health has a large impact on the city's cultural diversity? People with untreated hearing issues are more likely to experience communication barriers, social isolation, and professional challenges.
A recent study by Frank Lin, an otologist and assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, has linked as little as mild hearing loss to memory and thinking problems.  Dr. Lin’s study reinforces that hearing loss can affect more than just hearing, there are social, physical, psychological and cognitive implications.  It is so important  to talk to your health professionals about hearing loss and see your  local audiologist on a regular basis to have your hearing evaluated.  Stop in and see us today for an evaluation and to learn about how hearing loss may affect you  and your family.