Phonak Lyric™ - World’s Only 100% Invisible Hearing Aid

Phonak Lyric™ - World’s Only 100% Invisible Hearing Aid

Lyric was designed to remain out of sight and out of mind. Because it is placed deep inside the ear canal, it is the first and only 100% invisible hearing aid. Its ultra-low power consumption allows you to wear Lyric around the clock for months at a time without taking it out.

Seamless fit & convenience

Unlike traditional hearing aids, Lyric provides many benefits for unrestricted living. While traditional devices capture and process sound outside the ear, this device sits deep inside the ear canal and uses the natural anatomy of the ear to provide a full listening experience. This is just one of the many benefits of the Lyric hearing aid.

  • 100% invisible hearing aid – Because it is placed deep in the ear canal, it’s totally invisible to you and those around you.
  • 24/7 hearing – for daily activities, such as exercising, sleeping, or even showering*, so you can go about your daily routine and 
enjoy life.
  • Clear, natural sound – Lyric uses the natural anatomy of your ear to localize sound and delivers a full, natural listening experience.
  • Self-replacement – This optional procedure lets you replace Lyric devices independently by yourself, increasing your reassurance. ****
  • Long-term reliability – Our analog chip offers ultra-low power consumption, which enables you to experience uninterrupted use for months at a time.
  • Hassle-free – Designed to withstand environment in the ear canal for months at a time and requires no maintenance or batteries to charge or change.
Tinnitus relief

Tinnitus relief

Tinnitus relief

An estimated 10–15% of the population has tinnitus, but most cases are untreated. This is due to a lack of information and the fact that most people are unaware of who will understand their condition or assist them. While some cases are minor, others require more specific treatment to overcome possible long-term effects.

Although there is no cure for tinnitus, there are various effective forms of counseling and treatments available. Thanks to its 24/7 amplification, Phonak’s Lyric can provide tinnitus relief to help improve overall quality of life.

This device also improves sleep quality ¹, because it is placed deep in the ear canal, you can sleep while wearing your hearing aids, which can provide tinnitus relief even during the night.

Well-Hearing is Well-Being

Numerous studies have proven the importance of treating auditory loss to help maintain overall cognitive health. When you feel free to engage in social activities, conversations, and reduce listening effort and fatigue, your overall well-being is maintained.

We know that hearing well is linked to greater emotional, cognitive and physical well-being.5 This is why for someone with hearing loss, accessing consistent 24/7 amplification is important. Because the brain doesn’t stop when you go to sleep.

It’s also been shown that in older adults with mild to moderate auditory loss, hearing intervention slowed down loss of thinking and memory abilities by 48% over three years****.

of Lyric wearers said it improves their 
quality of life.⁴
of Lyric wearers said their expectations have been met or exceeded.⁴
of Lyric wearers said they can live a 
”normal life”.⁴

How Subscriptions Work


The device is sold through authorized Phonak Lyric Providers on a subscription basis. A subscription covers 1 or 2 years — including replacement devices and servicing throughout the subscription period.

Each Lyric hearing aid can last for months at a time. This duration can vary, depending on the patient and their individual ear conditions. However, unlike standard devices — which need to be replaced — the subscription model provides you with new devices on a regular basis.

Whenever you need a new Lyric, simply visit your provider. Your hearing care provider will fit you with a 100% invisible Lyric hearing aid. Every replacement can be done in just a few minutes time.

There are no repairs or battery replacements needed, and you will receive technology updates as they become available.

Many hearing care providers offer risk-free trials of Lyric. This product is not appropriate for all clients. See a registered provider to determine if it is 
right for you.

*** Professional fees may apply. Annual subscription begins the first day of trial. clients in CA, MN, NY, NM & VT will receive a 45-day trial.

Can I replace Lyric myself?

Yes, self-replacement is an optional procedure allowing you to replace Lyric devices independently for your own reassurance.**

Speak with your Lyric provider to see if this option is suitable for you.

What activities cannot be done with Lyric?

Lyric must not be worn while diving underwater or skydiving. Pressure changes from these activities may cause discomfort and/or feedback if the device moves in the ear canal. If these activities are done accidentally while wearing your aid, a Certified Lyric Fitter must examine the ear canal.

Can I swim with Lyric?

Lyric is not waterproof. Therefore, underwater swimming and diving are not recommended. However, it can be worn in the shower or during water activities in which the head is not fully submerged under water. Further protection measures for Lyric hearing aids can be taken, such as using over-the-counter or custom swim molds. Check the length of the swim molds to ensure that they do not touch the device when worn.

Can clients use headsets, insert earphones, and earplugs 
with Lyric?

Headsets, insert earphones, and earplugs can be used if they do not touch the Lyric hearing aid. The Authorized Lyric Partner will check if the chosen headsets work in combination with the device.

Will an MRI scan, X-ray, or CT scan damage Lyric or place the ear at risk?

Lyric must be removed before having an MRI scan because the device contains metallic parts. Unlike an MRI scan, an X-ray or CT scan will not damage or dislodge the aid because a magnet is not used. However, the physician and/or technician should be informed about the device. If an X-ray or CT scan of the ear or head is needed, the device may need to be removed. The physician should also be informed about the device if the wearer is having surgery of any kind.

Can the wearer remove the hearing aid?

It is recommended to have the device removed by a Lyric trained hearing care professional. If necessary, the wearer can remove it with the provided removal tool.

Is Lyric safe?

Lyric is FDA-cleared and has been extensively studied by hundreds of clinical research clients since 2001. In more than 15 years of clinical monitoring, there have been no reports of serious complications. It was commercially launched in 2007 and has been safely worn by hundreds of thousands of clients.

How long does each Lyric hearing aid last?

Lyric can be worn for months at a time. However, individual replacement needs will vary as device battery life is subject to individual ear conditions, level of auditory loss and environmental noise level.
*Lyric is water resistant, not waterproof, and should not be completely submerged underwater.

Phonak Field Study News retrieved from
** Suitability pending assessment by an HCP.

*** Lin, F., et al. (2023, July 17). Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.

**** Sarant, J., et al. (2023, July 16-20). Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Hearing Loss: Outcomes for treated vs untreated groups at 3-year follow-up [Conference presentation]. AAIC 2023 Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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1. Biggins A, Power D, (August 2021) Reducing Tinnitus with hearing aids: Does Phonak Lyric™ offer a more effective option? Phonak Field Study News retrieved from

2. Biggins, A., Singh, G. & Solodar , H. (2017). Lyric shows significant psychosocial benefits. Phonak Field Study News, retrieved from, accessed October 2020.

3. Lough, M., Whiston, H., Dillon, H., & Stone, M. (2020). Subjective benefits of a deeply inserted extended wear hearing aid compared to other in-canal sound-delivering hearing aids, Submitted for peer review.

4. Knorr, H. (2021) Lyric consumer survey #4446 for more information contact

5. Lin, F., et al. (2023, July 17). Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. DOI: Sarant, J., et al. (2023, July 16-20). Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Hearing Loss: Outcomes for treated vs untreated groups at 3-year follow-up [Conference presentation]. AAIC 2023 Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.