Steven Malawer

Steven Malawer


Specialties / Conditions Treated

Steven Malawer is a Licensed Audiologist in New York State with 40 years of experience helping people to hear better. He helps people to hear what they are missing while selecting hearing aids that are comfortable to wear, easy to use and cosmetically appealing. Achieving the best audio quality of amplified sound is of paramount importance and Steven has extensive experience fitting hearings aids and custom ear monitors to musicians, audio engineers and critical listeners.

Steven’s specialty is tuning hearing aids to maximize a person’s ability to hear clearly. He enjoys the art and science of crafting extremely small, all-in-canal custom hearing instruments and the fitting of powerful, custom fit Bluetooth connected hearing aids for experienced users. He holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology from the American Speech, Hearing and Language Association and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. He has attended and taught classes at the City University of New York and is a graduate of New York University.

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